Last weekend we were looking after our two gorgeous grandchildren while their parents were down in Wales for a friend's wedding. Apart from it always being wonderful to have grandchildren to play with, last weekend was especially nice because it gave my talented and beautiful grand-daughter an opportunity to Make Something for her Mummy's Birthday. And gave me an opportunity to pass on another new skill. And justify my habit of buying bits of fabulous fabric.
We decided to make Mummy an apron, something every glamorous superwoman needs. So we looked through my stash of fabrics - quite a lot of which are from the wonderful Donna Flower who runs a vintage fabric and haberdashery website. We found the perect one.
So out came my trusty Husky sewing machine, and gorgeous granddaughter learned how to pin, tack and sew a straight seam down the sides and along the hem. (I knew there was a reason for getting a machine that could be set to a very slow speed) I did the gathers, because there's no point getting too tedious with your first sewing project. Then she learned how to put on a waistband. Several new and very useful skills, and all resulting in this extremely pretty spotty dotty apron.
It was Mummy's birthday today. We did good, everyone! Mummy was thrilled to bits.
"Mummy" is of course my beautiful and talented daughter, to whom I have passed my habit of scooping up lovely bits of fabric and yarn. But I now have Proof Positive that it is a Good Habit to Cultivate. It brings Joy all round! Yay!
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