You'll recall my sad tale of murdering my old sewing machine by force-feeding it 8 layers of furnishing fabric? Luckily I was due to visit Number One Son and First Gorgeous Granddaughter the following weekend and they live in the north of England, where "make do and mend" has never gone out of style and where they practically invented doing stuff with textiles, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get expert advice on a replacement machine. How right I was! In the lunch break between FGG knocking them in the aisles with her singing (she was performing in a junior schools music competition) and her getting on down with her saxophone in the afternoon, we headed for Longton. While NOS and FGG were buying sandwiches and checking the video games respectively, I headed for the Sewing Centre in Market Street where the wonderful proprietor told me what I needed, demonstrated machines, sold me a beauty and even carried it back to the car for me.
It was nothing like as expensive as an initial investigation on the internet made me think it was going to be, and my husband was mega-impressed - he'd only heard of Husqvarna as the name to trust in chain-saws! It is quiet, well-bred and fast. The feed-dog obligingly clicks out of sight if you want to manoeuvre your material free-hand, it has a range of all the most useful stitches and best of all - just as I'm getting so I can't even see the eye of a needle, let alone thread it - it has an automatic needle-threader. Way to go, Husky! Here's hoping this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
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